• Dry shampoo is the newest innovative product for hair care. Dry shampoo absorbs oil and grease from hair, it also makes hair bouncy and voluminous. Generally, the precautions needed to be taken is care, is using this product according to the user manual. As compared to ordinary shampoo which destroys the coloured hair, by making hair discoloured. Dry shampoo works really good for coloured hair since, dry shampoo consumeszero water so, anyone having coloured hair not needed to worry about the effects of dry shampoo.
• Peoples having sensitive skin, and may get allergic reactions on their body, because of chemicals present in dry shampoo. But dry shampoo brand like Epitight is totally made up of natural ingredients like corn starch, potato starch, sunflower seeds and cassava starch. Dry shampoo brands like Bastite and Anamoly contains harmful chemicals, which can damage the skin, hair and health of consumer. So, one always has to look for a better dry shampoo, which will never cause any harmful effects on user. People having dry skin, are prone to allergic reactions from products containing chemicals, but Epitight’s dry shampoo being made from natural ingredients doesn’t affects their consumers.
• Some dry shampoo contains carcinogenic compounds like benzene, paraben and sulphates which can severely damage the consumer, but dry shampoo brand like Epitight doesn’t contain such harmful chemicals so it’s become very safe to used. Epitight dry shampoo takes only fewer spray to give the desired results for a consumer, so there is no issue of excessive products residue on hair. While using dry shampoo one has to take precaution, like which brand of dry shampoo there are going to used. If consumer using dry shampoo brand like Epitight, she needs to take minimum or even zero precaution, because it is the only dry shampoo brand which doesn’t cause any harmful effects on their user.